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  • Sean 9:54 am on January 27, 2006 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , sequels   

    (while perusing an upcoming movie sequel site)

    jen: “Charlie’s Angels 3 is going to be a lot more like the TV series. And I am absolutely thrilled that my good friend John Travolta is going to have a cameo role!”
    jen: that screaming sound you hear is my brains exiting my skull at high velocity.
    jen: “Die Hard 4.0: John McClane is retired from the police force in this fourth installment, with computers will figure largely in the story line.”
    jen: a futuristic computing device, you say!
    sean: “The Brazilian Job” {sequel to The Italian Job}
    sean: Marky Mark takes on his most devious enemy yet…the bikini line!
    jen: Indiana Jones 4: The Adventure of Making This Movie Before the Principal Cast DIES
    jen: “Update of the 1979 vampire film Love at First Bite about Dracula who moves to New York to find a bride. “Second Bite” takes place 25 years later, centering on Dracula’s Americanized son, who has rejected his family’s heritage and is getting married to a human. Trouble ensues when he learns that his vampire relatives are coming to America for the wedding”
    jen: It’s a comedy of errors!
    sean: holy shit, i thought you were kidding. that’s…that’s not right
    jen: spiderman 3: with topher grace as the new villain, “Dr. Daintyfop”!
    sean: Straight Out of Compton 2
    Cast: Blair Underwood, Blair Underwood, Blair Underwood
    sean: that’s a lot of underwood
    sean: Usual Suspects 2: Searching For Keyser Soze & His Bags of Sequel Money

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  • Sean 2:02 pm on January 17, 2006 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: interview,   

    topic: computer job interview questions

    Jen: “Uh huh, it says here that you used to intern at Bell Labs. Tell me, what do you think about head?”
    “Personally, I love it. Think about it all the time. Right now, in fact. So, you have two years of database experience?”

    and later

    “How do you handle large amounts of data? Really? I like to use these.”
    At this point, reach into your desk and pull out two giant oven mitts.

    and even later

    “Do you like my hat?”

    “You’re not wearing a hat.”

    “I’m sorry, but you need to be a team player to fit in around here.”

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  • Jen 10:22 am on January 5, 2006 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , prostitutes,   

    Sean: I was very excited to learn that I didn’t get crabs from that prostitute.

    Jen: I’m taking that out of context.

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  • Sean 3:19 pm on January 2, 2006 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: breeding   

    Mika: So I told them Sean had questionable breeding.
    Sean: Oh. Wait, what?!
    V: He’s not a dog Mika!
    Jen: You’ll never get Best In Show now Sean. I’m sorry.

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