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  • Lopaka 11:08 am on February 26, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: stereotypes   

    Sean: Nobody watches German films…only perverts.

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  • Sean 9:57 pm on February 23, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: anal,   

    Vy: You know. It’s like when you wake up, and your butt hurts, and you don’t know why.

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    Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)
  • Sean 12:03 pm on February 22, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: lotion,   

    jen: giant squid used up all my jergens!
    sean: i tried to tell you! they’re totally selfish
    jen: it’s because of giant squid that i buy jergens to keep on my desk, and my own good lotion to keep in my desk.
    sean: smart.

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 7.0/10 (1 vote cast)
  • Jen 3:57 pm on February 20, 2007 Permalink | Reply

    Alien vs Predator Game hits a snag in the retelling

    Jen: I feel bad that gremlins got cut. maybe we SHOULD take out terminator. Wait – I know how to resolve this. Gremlins vs. Terminator!
    Sean: That’d take a shitload of gremlins.
    Jen: Fine, fine: A Shitload of Gremlins vs The Original Terminator!
    Sean: They’d probably fiddle with his circuitry before he could squish them all. Gremlins win!
    Jen: That’s a movie I’d like to see.

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)
  • Sean 3:08 pm on February 20, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: alien, game, predator   

    Alien Vs. Predator – The Game!

    jen: here are the rules: somebody offers up somebody or something to fight against Alien. the other person decides the winner.
    jen: I’ll start: Alien versus Sasquatch!
    sean: oooh, tough one. as long as the alien didn’t get the drop on sassy, i think he could crush the alien with his raw power. but it’d be close.
    sean: Alien vs. the original Terminator!
    jen: wow, that’s tough. i’d give it to Alien in that one. original Terminator was kind of a puss. once some acid blood got on him, he’d be a big puddle.
    jen: Alien versus Fluffy Kittens!
    sean: hehe. alien, while temporarily distracted by their supreme cuteitude, regretfully dispatches of the fluffy kittens.
    jen: and Fluffy Kittens vs. Predator?
    sean: the predator doesn’t attack unarmed and defenseless creatures. he’d put them on craigslist and find them a good home. besides, their pelt would be too small to be a suitable trophy
    jen: hm, ok. what if it was fluffy kittens with bombs strapped to their tummies?
    sean: predator would laser them from afar. the little puffs of exploding fur would sadden him slightly
    sean: Alien vs. Ghostbusters!
    jen: Alien. he is not made out of ectoplasm.

    (later that evening)

    jen: Alien vs. The Human Condition!
    sean: Alien vs. ennui!
    jen: Alien versus Seasonal Affective Disorder!
    sean: Alien vs. the Catholic Church!
    jen: Alien as religious revolutionary… 🙂 Alien versus the Heartbreak of Genital Herpes!
    sean: Alien vs. Doris the Ex-Girlfriend! “i told you it’s over. stop calling here!”
    jen: Alien versus Billy Idol!
    sean: Alien would fear the sneer. 🙂 Alien vs. Prince!
    jen: Alien
    sean: i guess not even Prince’s space age guitar phallus can defeat the Alien
    jen: no, but if it was prince vs predator, the answer would be: funk.

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 8.0/10 (2 votes cast)
  • Sean 3:27 pm on February 5, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: defective   

    Phil S.: -6
    Phil S.: wtf!?
    Phil S.: i mant
    Phil S.: :!
    Phil S.: omg!
    Phil S.: i can’t even smilie tonight
    Sean: you’re defective

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 4.0/10 (1 vote cast)
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