Updates from June, 2010 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Sean 12:36 pm on June 24, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: preschool, rodents, urine   

    (The rat pee talk continues)

    Jen: seriously tho, rats do that. remember to wash your hands the next time you cuddle a hamster.

    Sean: i will remember that, next time i cuddle a hamster. which will be never.
    i hope

    Jen: i used to cuddle our hamster. but i always washed my hands.

    Sean: or wore mittens

    Jen: no, because then you have to wash the mittens
    sometimes it is just better to get the pee all over your hands.

    Sean: you’re right, that’s a pain. and then they’d be all faded when they’re pinned to your jacket

    Jen: no, hamsters don’t enjoy being pinned to a jacket

    Sean: “Now Jen, don’t forget your hamster for show and tell.” *PINNED*

    Jen: it’s nicer to tie two hamsters to a long string and then feed them through the sleeves of your jacket

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  • Sean 12:33 pm on June 24, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: alligators, , electrolytes, samus, tiffany   

    (Discussing Debbie Gibson and Tiffany starring in a new movie called “Mega Python vs. Gatoroid.”)

    Sean: the title is dangerously close to getting me excited about buying some electrolytes tho

    Jen: wouldn’t a gatoroid be a smaller version of a gator?
    like a meteoroid?

    Sean: good question

    Jen: or a metroid?

    Sean: it could also be a gator on steroids
    or a gator/android
    or a gator who drank too much gatorade

    Jen: i dunno about the steroids
    a gator who has to pee like, all the time
    “I had the flu last week and now I can’t stop peeing, chomp chomp”

    Sean: “It makes me so angry I could stomp on this stupid town. Also, I hope my human enemies don’t use this trail of pee to track me.”

    Jen: i find it interesting that you interpret gators as rodents in this scenario, peeing in trails all over the place

    Sean: everything pees, not just rodents. but yes, my closest gator association is the batman villain who lived in the sewers. so, close enough

    Jen: i know everything pees, but rodents pee all the time to mark their way around
    i mean, do YOU pee all the time so you can find your way back to your burrow?

    Sean: no, i have gps for that

    Jen: hahaha
    Global Peeing System

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