Emotional Rollercoaster

alexatitp: that is really weird
SMcGheek: yuppers
alexatitp: yuppers?
SMcGheek: yup
alexatitp: steve, is that you?
SMcGheek: ya
SMcGheek: i dont know what came over me. im sorry.
SMcGheek: [shame]
alexatitp: [embarrasment]
SMcGheek: [vengance]
alexatitp: [fear]
SMcGheek: [rage]
alexatitp: [dirty underpants]
SMcGheek: [slaughter]
alexatitp: [death?]
SMcGheek: [guilt]
SMcGheek: [denial]
alexatitp: [haunting]
SMcGheek: [acceptance]
alexatitp: [appearance at own funeral]
SMcGheek: [bewilderment]
alexatitp: [ascention]
SMcGheek: [praise]
alexatitp: [judgement]
SMcGheek: [damnation]
alexatitp: [satisfaction]
SMcGheek: [rage]
SMcGheek: [again]
SMcGheek: [st alex]
alexatitp: again saint alex? or against alex
SMcGheek: as in rage against the machine. st alex maybe too. creepy.
alexatitp: i hope we haven’t just sealed our fates
SMcGheek: god listens to aim conversations.
alexatitp: can god see me masturbate?
SMcGheek: only if you do it on aim
alexatitp: uh oh
SMcGheek: sinner.

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