Carradine Deficiency

Jen: i like that on netflix, they list Keith Carradine as costarring in Deadwood in every single episode. Sean: the spirit of buffalo bill lives on! Jen: they should say “Co-stars Keith Carradine* (*Keith Carradine fans should prepare for disappointment.)” Sean: the head of his fan club should file a complaint Jen: “where’s keith carradine???” …

So Much Bacon

(inside local restaurant – lunchtime) Christine (sniffing): Hey, it smells like bacon in here. Shasta (sniffing): Hmm, It does smell like bacon. *Shasta spots a uniformed police officer grabbing a soda a few feet away.* Christine: Yeah, totally smells like bacon. Shasta (quietly): Shhhhhh. Christine: What? Why? Shasta (quietly): Shhhhhh. I’ll explain in a minute. …

Leprechaun Sequels

Stephen: you should have written the tag line for leprechaun 6. the current one is “evil has a whole new rap!” i know some white guy in a neckerchief wrote that. Sean: he wore a special green neckerchief the day that he wrote that. you know, for inspiration Sean: Leprechaun 7: Lady Lumps “Somewhere over …

Renowned Storytime Part 2

(the story continues…) Jen: “Sean sat frozen in his chair and shook with terrifying fear. This, he realized was not checkmate at all, but rather checkmate and then his opponent set fire to the checkerboard and laughed maniacally, because he had turned out to be some type of maniac.” Sean: “Flashmaster Jay, who was a …

Renowned Storytime Part 1

Sean has forwarded Jen an article ( An IM conversation happens. Sean: “Renowned systems administrator Sean sat down in his second floor office. He lunged for the keyboard, because lunging is a much better word then ‘reached’.” Jen: “At the sound of a tapping in the doorway Sean froze and whirled around in his chair, …

New Challenger – Gremlins

Alien vs Predator Game hits a snag in the retelling Jen: I feel bad that gremlins got cut. maybe we SHOULD take out terminator. Wait – I know how to resolve this. Gremlins vs. Terminator! Sean: That’d take a shitload of gremlins. Jen: Fine, fine: A Shitload of Gremlins vs The Original Terminator! Sean: They’d …