The Burger King of England

lamont: Taco Bell has no bell demonhood: mcdonalds is not irish demonhood: or scottish even lamont: Pizza Hut is run by humans not Hutts demonhood: there is no royalty at burger king lamont: Jack in the Box and Carl’s Junior are both utterly perverse names demonhood: wendy’s doesn’t even serve wendy burgers anymore lamont: And …

Laser Laser

alexatitp: laser tag bazooka? DEM0NH00D: hehe, that’s just nuts alexatitp: laser tag nerve gas alexatitp: laser tag demoralizing propoganda… DEM0NH00D: laser tag barbed wire DEM0NH00D: laser tag suicide pill alexatitp: laser tag wartime brothel DEM0NH00D: laser tag VD alexatitp: laser tag pine box / battleship sea burial kit DEM0NH00D: laser tag insignia wrapped over coffin …

Restrain the One You Love

DEM0NH00D: pretty cheap averybridgette: whats cheap averybridgette: your prostitute? DEM0NH00D: yeah DEM0NH00D: she fell apart DEM0NH00D: i was disappointed DEM0NH00D: couldn’t even get my money back averybridgette: at least you have the sheep DEM0NH00D: i mean, that was bus fare averybridgette: and your handcuffs DEM0NH00D: the sheep will never leave me DEM0NH00D: because i have …

Peachy Preteens

the conversation (after closing the window 3 times already) (16:47:58) peachesNcreamez: really no joke whats your real name (16:48:18) smcgheek: hey. im trying to get some work done here. would you mind not bothering me? (16:48:56) peachesNcreamez: do you know katie (16:49:22) smcgheek: go do some algebra homework (16:49:30) peachesNcreamez: no (16:49:35) peachesNcreamez: dont have …

Emotional Rollercoaster

alexatitp: that is really weird SMcGheek: yuppers alexatitp: yuppers? SMcGheek: yup alexatitp: steve, is that you? SMcGheek: ya SMcGheek: i dont know what came over me. im sorry. SMcGheek: [shame] alexatitp: [embarrasment] SMcGheek: [vengance] alexatitp: [fear] SMcGheek: [rage] alexatitp: [dirty underpants] SMcGheek: [slaughter] alexatitp: [death?] SMcGheek: [guilt] SMcGheek: [denial] alexatitp: [haunting] SMcGheek: [acceptance] alexatitp: [appearance …


begin aim conversation: ICnerd: blizzablam! TycoonAlex: whaboom! ICnerd: chachink! kablam! TycoonAlex: fzzzpop whoopa! ICnerd: pshhhhhiitt… kaboooom! TycoonAlex: vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaa klazaam! ICnerd: chuggachuggachugga whammo! TycoonAlex: the chugga chugga stopped me. that one was too good ICnerd: i was seriously cracking up.. hard to type.. that was a good game.. same time, next week? end aim conversation