Terminal Velocities

Narfa5 (2:46:57 PM): stupid physics lab Narfa5 (2:47:07 PM): it hates me and i hate it more JenRHock (2:57:05 PM): i hate you too. Narfa5 (2:57:38 PM): i think you and physics lab would get along well JenRHock (2:58:46 PM): we should have babies. Narfa5 (2:59:03 PM): mmm…little vectors Narfa5 (2:59:42 PM): you could throw …

Peachy Preteens

the conversation (after closing the window 3 times already) (16:47:58) peachesNcreamez: really no joke whats your real name (16:48:18) smcgheek: hey. im trying to get some work done here. would you mind not bothering me? (16:48:56) peachesNcreamez: do you know katie (16:49:22) smcgheek: go do some algebra homework (16:49:30) peachesNcreamez: no (16:49:35) peachesNcreamez: dont have …

Emotional Rollercoaster

alexatitp: that is really weird SMcGheek: yuppers alexatitp: yuppers? SMcGheek: yup alexatitp: steve, is that you? SMcGheek: ya SMcGheek: i dont know what came over me. im sorry. SMcGheek: [shame] alexatitp: [embarrasment] SMcGheek: [vengance] alexatitp: [fear] SMcGheek: [rage] alexatitp: [dirty underpants] SMcGheek: [slaughter] alexatitp: [death?] SMcGheek: [guilt] SMcGheek: [denial] alexatitp: [haunting] SMcGheek: [acceptance] alexatitp: [appearance …

Upstanding Citizens Part 2

(the night continues…see previous quote) Samantha (fairly intoxicated): I give good head. (everyone starts laughing) Samantha: I do. Jermaine: What?! No you don’t. You give shitty head. (laughter grows) Samantha: Not on humans. Duh. Animals. They’re much easier. With their little weewees. Joe (laughing uncontrollably): Stop stop! I can’t handle anymore. No more animal sex!