The Ron Silver Rule

[online debate. subject: Time Travel.] Jen: if watching Back to the Future taught me anything, it’s that your past and future selves cannot meet, or else you destroy the universe. Sean: i dunno. if i take Timecop as gospel (and why wouldn’t i?!), then they couldn’t fight because they’d cancel each other out and cease …

Babies R Delicious

madeline: nerd sean: geek madeline: pedophile sean: baby cannibal madeline: puppy shishkababer sean: raccoon fornicator madeline: atheist sean: mormon madeline: my computer got unplugged. mike did it…christian fundamentalist. sean: always blaming others… madeline: i put blame where blame is due… anti-abortion doctor-killer. sean: a likely story….televangelist madeline: bake me cookies… apartheid supporter. sean: bake your …