Share the Musical Pain

{while discussing a concert put on by a local radio station} Jen: “coming up next, another reminder why you’re not going to buy a ticket to Winter Roundup! our new emo band, Peanut Butter Agonizing!” Sean: “but first, another track from ‘I Cut Myself’. here’s their latest, I Cry Behind My Thick Glasses.” Jen: “after …

Mansquitos Need Love Too

(sexy sci-fi what-ifs) sean: i need my ladies to be at least 50% pure human lady jen: well, you’re picky. jen: bisexual mosquito ladies need love too sean: her one quarter mosquito instincts might decide to exsanguinate me in bed. i can’t take that risk. jen: um….heh. are you sure? sean: ladysquitos and vampires are …

Search Queries 2006 Part 1

(search queries) sean: ah, here’s one of yours: cool runnings plot point jen: wait, they were searching for ANY plot point? sean: yup. and THREE people searched for that so far this month jen: fucking awesome! you don’t know what # you were, by any chance? sean: shows up as #2 on mine sean: only …

Ron Silver Abortion

jen: I wonder if there’s any way we can ensure that we stay on top of the Ron Silver Abortion game. jen: which would be an awesome, yet deeply disturbing, home game. jen: the object of the game is to not roll Ron Silver. sean: the packaging would be….outstanding sean: “i rolled an abortion! i …

Myspace’s New Motto

(while walking to the liquor store before Jason’s band plays nearby) Sean: I’m glad I found out about this. Ha, MySpace, bringing people together. Jason: Yeah, it’s not the usual: Bringing together child molesters and 12 year old girls. Woman walks out of the store, giving Jason a disgusted look. Jason (apologetic): Um, no I …

It’s Always Complicated With Clowns

(discussing sean’s living arrangements) sean: [name redacted] would only be back for a month. she suggested rooming up for the weekdays and she’d go with her parents on the weekends. and then, next time she came back, at least one person in the main house would have moved out and she’d go in there… wow, …

Political Actors

sean: hahahahaha. thanks to our little time travel conversation, the 11th google result for “abortion, ron silver” is the quotes page jen: “abortion, ron silver”? why would anybody be searching for that? sean: someone must be curious about ron silver’s abortion stance. next query “child labor, steven segal” jen: “equal housing rights, lou diamond phillips” …

This Job Pay Much?

topic: computer job interview questions Jen: “Uh huh, it says here that you used to intern at Bell Labs. Tell me, what do you think about head?” “Personally, I love it. Think about it all the time. Right now, in fact. So, you have two years of database experience?” and later “How do you handle …