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  • Sean 12:18 pm on May 2, 2007 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , long lists, movie titles   

    Stephen: you should have written the tag line for leprechaun 6. the current one is “evil has a whole new rap!” i know some white guy in a neckerchief wrote that.
    Sean: he wore a special green neckerchief the day that he wrote that. you know, for inspiration

    Sean: Leprechaun 7: Lady Lumps “Somewhere over the rainbow, even an evil leprechaun can find love!”
    Stephen: Leprechaun 8: Off the Chain?
    Sean: Leprechaun 9: Miami Style starring David Caruso and his sunglasses
    Stephen: Leprechaun 10: Spreadin’ the Cheese
    Sean: Leprechaun 11: Bam! Killin’ it up a notch
    Stephen: Leprechaun 12: One Death to a Baker’s Dozen
    Sean: Leprechaun 13: Sifting through the Blood of Time
    Stephen: Leprechaun 14: Overkill!
    Sean: Leprechaun 15: Leprechaun vs. The Tooth Fairy
    Stephen: Leprechaun 16: 16 Ways to Die in Ireland
    Sean: Leprechaun 17: Fall of the Gold Market
    Stephen: Leprechaun 18: Thoughts and Feelings
    Sean: Leprechaun 19: Chillin’ at Walden Pond

    Stephen: Leprechaun XX: Keep the Dream Alive
    Sean: Leprechaun XXI: Roman Bathhouse Battle Royale
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXII: Green to Red, Live to Dead
    Stephen: it’d be shaped as an X — the “to” in the middle, and the title as the cross pieces. so just one “to”
    Sean: Leprechaun XXIII: Halloscream’s Eve
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXIV: Bruce Willis Cameo
    Sean: Leprechaun XXV: Electric Boogaloo
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXVI: Counting Rose Petals
    Sean: Leprechaun XXVII: Where For Art Thou Gold
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXVIII: Moonlighting
    Sean: Leprechaun XXIX: Shorties Killing Shorties

    Stephen: Leprechaun xXx: xXx Vs. Leprechaun
    Sean: Leprechaun XXXI: Enemy Combatant
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXXII: Tending Bar
    Sean: Leprechaun XXXIII: Down & Out & Paying Child Support
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXXIV: XXXIV Ways to Die in Ireland
    Sean: Leprechaun XXXV: Corned Beef with a Side of Blood
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXXVI: Leprechaun’s Run
    Sean: Leprechaun XXXVII: Return of the Platinum Pirate
    Stephen: Leprechaun XXXVIII: Legendary
    Sean: Leprechaun XXXIX: Too X to Handle

    Stephen: Leprechaun XXXX: Not a Lawn Gnome, 4 Reelz
    Sean: actually, it’s XL
    Stephen: doh!
    Stephen: Leprechaun XLI: Letters and Numbers
    Sean: Leprechaun XLII: Dysfunctional Family Reunion
    Stephen: Leprechaun XLIII: Owen Wilson Plays Himself
    Sean: Leprechaun XLIV: LIVe Green or Die
    Stephen: Leprechaun XLV: Wicked Workout
    Sean: Leprechaun XLVI: Killin to the Oldies
    Stephen: Leprechaun XLVII: Causality
    Sean: Leprechaun XLVIII: Occam’s Razor…..of Pain
    Stephen: Leprechaun XLIX: Speeding Zalicks
    Sean: Leprechaun L: Lusty Lesbians

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 10.0/10 (3 votes cast)
  • Sean 11:27 am on April 13, 2004 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: long lists, , princess bride   

    from another site:
    The Two Things about World Conquest:
    1. Divide and Conquer.
    2. Never invade Russia in the winter.

    from jen and sean:
    3. “Never get in a land war in Asia”
    4. Never challenge a Sicilian, when death is on the line.
    5. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ….. ha! *dead*
    6. Poison both the goblets.
    7. Build up immunity to iocaine powder.
    8. Call bitchy ex-girlfriend a tramp.
    9. Slap supposed kidnapper.
    10. Roll down hill.
    11. “As….you…..wiiiiiishhhhh!”
    12. Wonder what you saw in that horsey-faced girl in the first place.
    13. Choose girl over rodents of unusual size. But it was close.
    14. Be a man of action. Lies do not become you.
    15. Get year of life sucked out of you. It tingles.
    16. Go back to the beginning.
    17. Albinos have soft heads.
    18. “Mawwiage.”
    19. Holocaust cloaks are handy for bbqs and party tricks.
    20. Only be mostly dead.
    21. True love and gambling are closely related.
    22. I’m not a witch, I’m your wife.
    23. “Good luck storming the castle!”
    24. Destroy your perfect breasts.
    25. “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.”
    26. “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die. Ouch.”
    27. “Stop saying that!”
    28. Offer him money.
    29. Offer him power.
    30. Offer him anything.
    30. Offer him everything he asks for and more.
    31. He wants his father back, you son of a bitch.
    32. Kill him. Revenge is sweet.
    33. Threaten to cut off the prince’s appendages. Minus the ears.
    34. Nah, he’s bluffing.
    35. “Drop….your….sword.”
    36. Wet yourself.
    37. Collapse onto bed as girlfriend and lackey tie up bad guy.
    38. Wonder why girlfriend is so dense.
    39. Hope girlfriend is more enlightened in bed.
    (After all this crap, she’d better be the Mata Hari.)
    40. Hey, four white horses.
    41. That story wasn’t so bad Columbo..err..granddad.
    42. The end. Or is it? (Dum dum dummmmmm)
    43. Cue studio exec, 15 years later, pitching idea for “The Princess Daughter” about 15 year old rebelling against her parents. She runs away and has an adventure with Inigo and the gentle giant now played by Hulk Hogan.

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 9.0/10 (1 vote cast)
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