after a concert as the stage lights and…

{after a concert as the stage, lights and instruments are being broken down} Dude (calling out to a roadie): Hey! Can I get his sticks? Roadie (looking around): Sorry, none here. Dude (thinking): Ok. Can I have his Powerade? The roadie looks at the half empty bottle of blue Powerade near the drummer’s kit. Roadie …

I Keep My Beard Tidy

(a college-aged woman stands outside a supermarket with a clipboard. random guy approaches) Woman: Excuse me sir, do you have a minute to save our oceans from pollution? Man (stopping): Save our oceans from what? Woman: From ocean pollution. The man stares at her blankly. He’s stuck. Man: Yeah, I have no idea what that …

It was the Texture

Sarah: Why did we come into the mall? Sean: Because we hate people? Steve: Hating people burns a lot of calories. Look at Hitler, he wasn’t overweight. Sean: Wasn’t he a vegetarian though? Steve: That may have had something to do with it. Sean: I wonder why he didn’t eat meat. It certainly wasn’t for …

Don’t Pee in the Gatoroid

(Discussing Debbie Gibson and Tiffany starring in a new movie called “Mega Python vs. Gatoroid.”) Sean: the title is dangerously close to getting me excited about buying some electrolytes tho Jen: wouldn’t a gatoroid be a smaller version of a gator? like a meteoroid? Sean: good question Jen: or a metroid? Sean: it could also …