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  • Alex 11:20 am on June 25, 2003 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , life lessons   

    jen: if everybody had very nice lives, we’d all run out of reasons to drink.

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    Rating: 7.0/10 (1 vote cast)
  • Sean 9:34 am on June 19, 2003 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , ,   

    (while playing Metroid on the Gamecube)

    sean: …and this is the analyze mode. you can run around and analyze everything.
    andria: ooh, women are good at analyzing things.
    alex (chuckling): so where’s the over analyze button?

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)
  • Tessa 1:07 am on June 19, 2003 Permalink | Reply

    tessa: “I heard this is a great movie”
    mom: “yeah, FOR EGGS!”
    tessa: “WHAT?”

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 4.0/10 (1 vote cast)
  • Sean 12:47 pm on June 2, 2003 Permalink | Reply

    Alex: Jen always gets scared when I pull my candy out too soon.

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  • Sean 11:53 am on June 2, 2003 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bad business,   

    (online conversation via broadcast messages)

    Steve: anyone else hear those sirens on campus?
    Sean: some power transformer blow up again or something?
    Jen: if you all die, I get your stereos
    Steve: granted
    Alex: i’d like to be burried with my stereo playing ‘tell me something good’
    Sean: much better choice than queen’s ‘another one bites the dust’.
    Tobin: I’d like to be buried with my stereo playing ‘let’s get it on’
    Sean: maybe we should get into the business of coffin tunes. tobin tries to sell them on something innappropriate, and one of us plays the consoling sensitive one who sells them ‘Stairway to Heaven’ instead. it’s foolproof
    Tobin: what’s that smell? that smells like… like… brilliance!
    Alex: as if a coffin playing stairway to heaven ISN’T inappropriate
    Sean: it’ll seem downright poetic next to tobin’s ‘me so horny’ suggestion
    Tobin: ooh… we could start with an exhumation special, for those who were unfortunately buried without a soundtrack
    Sean: ‘their afterlife will not be one of silent rotting any longer’. that’ll be our motto
    Tobin: and we could have different packages, rotting to the oldies, rott and roll or make your own ‘decomposition composition’

    VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 8.0/10 (1 vote cast)
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