SMcGheek: nah. you see that thing about greenland? rehren: no, what is it? SMcGheek: rehren: iceland you mean? SMcGheek: ya SMcGheek: same thing rehren: it is? SMcGheek: no SMcGheek: joking
Author Archives: Stevem
Beats Lectures
Deter7: hey steve, where’s your favorite place to have sex? Auto response from SMcGheek: in class.. Deter7: heheheh
Hand Over the Lunch Money
SMcGheek: randall is one big nerd: SMcGheek: he got that computer today. JenRHock: randalls such a big nerd, even I wanna beat him up and take his lunch money. SMcGheek: well put SMcGheek: i might have to quote you on that JenRHock: thats fine. that nerd compiled his own custom kernel. JenRHock: he should …
Peachy Preteens
the conversation (after closing the window 3 times already) (16:47:58) peachesNcreamez: really no joke whats your real name (16:48:18) smcgheek: hey. im trying to get some work done here. would you mind not bothering me? (16:48:56) peachesNcreamez: do you know katie (16:49:22) smcgheek: go do some algebra homework (16:49:30) peachesNcreamez: no (16:49:35) peachesNcreamez: dont have …
Emotional Rollercoaster
alexatitp: that is really weird SMcGheek: yuppers alexatitp: yuppers? SMcGheek: yup alexatitp: steve, is that you? SMcGheek: ya SMcGheek: i dont know what came over me. im sorry. SMcGheek: [shame] alexatitp: [embarrasment] SMcGheek: [vengance] alexatitp: [fear] SMcGheek: [rage] alexatitp: [dirty underpants] SMcGheek: [slaughter] alexatitp: [death?] SMcGheek: [guilt] SMcGheek: [denial] alexatitp: [haunting] SMcGheek: [acceptance] alexatitp: [appearance …
Constant Carry
rehren: i’ll install it after work. rehren: i have the cd in my pocket SMcGheek: hah. ok. SMcGheek: just walkin around with software on you, eh? rehren: always
Handy Down
rehren: handy down parts suck. SMcGheek: its hand-me down. rehren: oh. [later] stevem@redigital:[~] % e “randall said you said you’d go if we went” | al Message from on ttyp1 at 15:22 … randall also said ‘handy downs’ EOF
Jedi Transfer Protocol
rehren: k. ftp only access he has. SMcGheek: thanks yoda.
begin aim conversation: ICnerd: blizzablam! TycoonAlex: whaboom! ICnerd: chachink! kablam! TycoonAlex: fzzzpop whoopa! ICnerd: pshhhhhiitt… kaboooom! TycoonAlex: vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaa klazaam! ICnerd: chuggachuggachugga whammo! TycoonAlex: the chugga chugga stopped me. that one was too good ICnerd: i was seriously cracking up.. hard to type.. that was a good game.. same time, next week? end aim conversation
I’m on a Contract
overheard while walking to phelps girl: no, sorry, i cant. i have to help my ex-boyfriend wax his chest.
That’s a lot of Twinkle
(after andy claimed he was responsible for the pearl harbor attack, coincidentally (sp?) on his birthday) Wes: Andy, you weren’t even a twinkle in someone’s twinkle then!
Awesome Power Moves Too
Christine: the cutest pokemon is called Scrotum
Little Boys Room
Alex: I’m going to the little boys room. To do little boy things. Sean: What, like go play with Hot Wheels?
Worst Cheat Ever
AT Rock’n Bowl: Steve: I dont want to win, ive already seen [6th sense], but i entered twice.. Billy: Yeah, well i entered three times, im gonna win! <Over the loudspeaker> The winner… Billy Barker! –billy goes and gets prize– <The next winner is… Billy Barker? … Cheater! Now you dont get the prize.> Billy: …
Saving Forking For Tonight
Billy: Phil, you missed it last night, Sean taught Alex how to spoon.
A Real Man Now
Billy at Carrow’s: “Look everyone, i can make the snake grow.”
Stolen by Skynet
Phil: “The only reason I’m in ECE is because I had that robotic arm”