Hand Over the Lunch Money

SMcGheek: randall is one big nerd: http://www.isber.ucsb.edu/~randall/l400/ SMcGheek: he got that computer today. JenRHock: randalls such a big nerd, even I wanna beat him up and take his lunch money. SMcGheek: well put SMcGheek: i might have to quote you on that JenRHock: thats fine. that nerd compiled his own custom kernel. JenRHock: he should …

Terminal Velocities

Narfa5 (2:46:57 PM): stupid physics lab Narfa5 (2:47:07 PM): it hates me and i hate it more JenRHock (2:57:05 PM): i hate you too. Narfa5 (2:57:38 PM): i think you and physics lab would get along well JenRHock (2:58:46 PM): we should have babies. Narfa5 (2:59:03 PM): mmm…little vectors Narfa5 (2:59:42 PM): you could throw …