That’s Not Racial Transcendence, Pt. 1

Jen: What are you watching? Torrell: Marine 2. Jen: Who’s in it? Torrell: I don’t know. You might recognize him, though. He looks like the kind of action-type actor that white people would like. (After careful consideration of the main character.) Jen: Nope, sorry. I don’t recognize that guy. He must not have been at …

Renowned Storytime Part 1

Sean has forwarded Jen an article ( An IM conversation happens. Sean: “Renowned systems administrator Sean sat down in his second floor office. He lunged for the keyboard, because lunging is a much better word then ‘reached’.” Jen: “At the sound of a tapping in the doorway Sean froze and whirled around in his chair, …

New Challenger – Gremlins

Alien vs Predator Game hits a snag in the retelling Jen: I feel bad that gremlins got cut. maybe we SHOULD take out terminator. Wait – I know how to resolve this. Gremlins vs. Terminator! Sean: That’d take a shitload of gremlins. Jen: Fine, fine: A Shitload of Gremlins vs The Original Terminator! Sean: They’d …

It’s Always Complicated With Clowns

(discussing sean’s living arrangements) sean: [name redacted] would only be back for a month. she suggested rooming up for the weekdays and she’d go with her parents on the weekends. and then, next time she came back, at least one person in the main house would have moved out and she’d go in there… wow, …

The Ron Silver Rule

[online debate. subject: Time Travel.] Jen: if watching Back to the Future taught me anything, it’s that your past and future selves cannot meet, or else you destroy the universe. Sean: i dunno. if i take Timecop as gospel (and why wouldn’t i?!), then they couldn’t fight because they’d cancel each other out and cease …