
begin aim conversation:
ICnerd: blizzablam!
TycoonAlex: whaboom!
ICnerd: chachink! kablam!
TycoonAlex: fzzzpop whoopa!
ICnerd: pshhhhhiitt… kaboooom!
TycoonAlex: vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaa klazaam!
ICnerd: chuggachuggachugga whammo!
TycoonAlex: the chugga chugga stopped me. that one was too good
ICnerd: i was seriously cracking up.. hard to type.. that was a
good game.. same time, next week?
end aim conversation


Jen: I was drinking coke – *gasp* – and then I was laughing – *gasp* – and then the coke was in my throat – *gasp* – and then the coke started going back up my throat – *gasp* – and then I had to lie on the ground and try to make it go back down my throat – *sigh* – and it burns…..

Nuns Had it Coming

Jen: but would I be a bad person?
Alex: no. you’ll have to do better than that.
Jen: um….I recently robbed and pillaged a nunnery, and after I turned the nuns out completely nude, and sold the nunnery to a chain of grocery stores.
Jen: “St. Albertsons”
Alex: that’s pretty good,  but still far too funny.
Jen: f*ck! maybe I’m one of those demented madmen who make jokes at inappropriate times?
Jen: Why, just last week, I had Macguyver in a grain storage bin, and I made a joke, and distracted my evil henchmen, and he was able to make a rope of duct tape and climb to safety.