Tripping on Turkey

(theorizing on why Sean had a strange hallucination the morning before)

JennH: You must have eaten something bad.
Sean: i figured that i was either hallucinating or i had become a very powerful warlock in my sleep
JennH: Like week old milk or something.
Sean: no dairy products either, although i had fast food for dinner i think
JennH: That could probably do it.
JennH: Maybe it’s madcow disease in your hamburgers
Sean: it was chicken. you beef eaters can have your crazy cows
JennH: laughs
Sean: i’d rather have my hallucinogenic chicken, thank you very much


sean: something should happen tonight
alex: your words reach deep and question the very fabric of our frustrating miniature human existance
sean: you coulda said poo
alex: and now i wish i had
sean: but you didn’t and poo still came out