Seven Days

(most of us had recently seen the new movie ‘The Ring’)

lopaka: …7 days…
sean: cleaning a broom closet takes…7 days
jen: dissolving a body in acid takes…7 days
lopaka: 1 week is … 7 days
jen: 7 hours at work feels like…7 days
sean: the common cold can last…for 7 days
jen: lopaka, what really happens in 7 days?
sean: lopaka has not had a bowel 7 days
jen: TMI alert!

So, Hockey Then?

sean: yup. hockey is on
alex: yea, hockey is where it’s at
sean: hockey is da place
alex: hockey in ya face
sean: hockey – it’s a pants thing
alex: hockey – not just for cows anymore
sean: hockey – 4 out of 5 dentists agree, it’s greeeeaaat!
alex: it would take 10 games of monopoly to equal the amount of hotels you can build in just one game of hockey!
alex: women have one period a month, hockey has three in a night!
sean: we’ve replaced alex’s golf with hockey, let’s see if he notices the difference..
sean: when your wife leaves you, your truck breaks down, and your dog dies, turn to hockey. country music will only depress you
alex: do sports really have the ability to hurt, mame, and kill you? sports do. -hockey
sean: H E Double Hockey Sticks. Hockey, the choice of sport for the underworld
alex: hockey: play it, you pussy
sean: hockey: if you’re not bleeding and bruised, you’re not playing it right
alex: hockey: teeth optional
sean: this isn’t your mom’s hockey
alex: hockey: it’s like soccer, but fun.
sean: hockey: it’s like sex, but with more padding and a mouthguard. and slightly less penetration
alex: on the road of life there is opera, and there is hockey. opera sucks
sean: i came here to chew bubblegum and play hockey. and i’m all outta bubblegum
alex: if you like to crush the competition, work in a team, go for the gold, and play to win: join the rowing team. if you like to fight: play hockey
sean: chickens have no lips, worms have no arms, and football players have no necks. stop thinking about body parts and pick up your god damned hockey stick already
sean: hockey: i ain’t wearin’ this cup because it’s fashionable
alex: hockey: big gloves, big skates, big sticks… you figure it out
alex: in the game of life you can be anything you want to be. but wouldn’t you just rather play hockey?
sean: hockey: when we’re not making lists, we’re kicking your asses

Laser Laser

alexatitp: laser tag bazooka?
DEM0NH00D: hehe, that’s just nuts
alexatitp: laser tag nerve gas
alexatitp: laser tag demoralizing propoganda…
DEM0NH00D: laser tag barbed wire
DEM0NH00D: laser tag suicide pill
alexatitp: laser tag wartime brothel
DEM0NH00D: laser tag VD
alexatitp: laser tag pine box / battleship sea burial kit
DEM0NH00D: laser tag insignia wrapped over coffin
alexatitp: laser tag powered automobiles
DEM0NH00D: laser tag gatorade flavor
alexatitp: laser tag news night with laser winning anchor, laser tag johnson
DEM0NH00D: laser tag: invisible beams of pleasure. starring Jenna Jameson

Restrain the One You Love

DEM0NH00D: pretty cheap
averybridgette: whats cheap
averybridgette: your prostitute?
DEM0NH00D: yeah
DEM0NH00D: she fell apart
DEM0NH00D: i was disappointed
DEM0NH00D: couldn’t even get my money back
averybridgette: at least you have the sheep
DEM0NH00D: i mean, that was bus fare
averybridgette: and your handcuffs
DEM0NH00D: the sheep will never leave me
DEM0NH00D: because i have the handcuffs 🙂

Our Lord’s Paper Towel

While discussing a Catholic mass Dawn had recently attended…
Narfa5 (1:57:39 PM): and i probably would have really gone off when i drank the wine
Narfa5 (1:57:47 PM): they were using the communal cup too
Narfa5 (1:57:50 PM): which is icky
JenRHock (1:58:01 PM): no, no no! they wipe it with the Napkin of Our Lord.
Narfa5 (1:58:12 PM): oh yeah, what was i thinking?
Narfa5 (1:58:25 PM): god will kill the germies!
Narfa5 (1:58:30 PM): but wait, he can’t do that, can he?
JenRHock (1:58:34 PM): The Lord’s Napkin is made antibacterial by the Grace of Our Lord Jesus.